Thursday, May 28, 2009


This past fall i was quite new to blogging and i really wasn't sure about how it was going to go. At first i really didn't know what to talk about, or what even to say to start my blog out. When i finally did figure out what to talk about i was starting to feel better and i could talk about what i wanted to talk about. This became easy for me to do because you don't have to write a journal or a big paper that has resrictions and for some reason it is easier for me to open up and talk on the blog then it is to do it on paper. As the year progressed blogging became a piece of everyday life even if i didn't want it to be sometimes. I would come up with new ideas to write about and then i would come up with more and more and then i would start to forget what i wanted to talk about in the first place. Now as the end of our school year is about 2 weeks away i'm not going to give up blogging but i will take a lot more time reseaching new things to talk about and maybe change things up a bit. In a way i really am going to miss school this summer because my friends and i always ask each other if we have seen there new blog post. I am really glad that we were able to blog this year and i hope that it is a requirement every year. I will say the first time you blog it's not the easiset thing in the world but as you go on it is a lot of fun.

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