Thursday, May 14, 2009

Leg-o my Lego!

We have seen the Lego Star Wars series, Lego Batman, and Lego Indiana Jones, but now Lego goes original in Lego Battles for Nintendo DS, and it is set for realese in 2009.

While the game still has that werid sense of humor, it has depth to back it up. The game has 90 levels and throughout the game you will be able to play as several factions such as Medieval combatants, Pirates, Space Warriors, etc. , you will also be able to manage 80 unit types; for example in the Medieval era you will have Guardsmen, Archers, Knights, Cataputs, builders and many more. There will also be a Hero Character with special powers kind of like Age Of Mythology for DS (if you have ever played that). You will have structures to build and maintain, and resources to gather and manage. The Multiplayer mode is more competitive rather than cooperative. The games other improvments include being able to actually Fail missions unlike other lego titles. This Lego game is sure to be a great game and to be one of the best in the lego series, so check it out it is sure to please.

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