Thursday, May 14, 2009

Double the Fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you ready for this, this is a big announcement for Final Fanntsy lovers , Square Enix is going treat its WiiWare users to two brand new Final Fantasy Games. The first game is Final Fantasy 4: The After Years and the Second is Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord both for Release in 2009. Final Fantasy 4: The After Years is the sequal to the 16-bit RPG Final Fantasy 4. The game will be in original 2-D 16-bit style. The new story explains what happened following the conclusion to Final Fantasy 4. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My life as a Darklord lets you be the villian for once, it puts a new twist on the game. These two new games are sure to please fans who use WiiWare while they wait for the New Final Fantasy 13 to come out. By the way look for more updates about Final Fantasy 13's release and previews.

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