Thursday, May 28, 2009


This past fall i was quite new to blogging and i really wasn't sure about how it was going to go. At first i really didn't know what to talk about, or what even to say to start my blog out. When i finally did figure out what to talk about i was starting to feel better and i could talk about what i wanted to talk about. This became easy for me to do because you don't have to write a journal or a big paper that has resrictions and for some reason it is easier for me to open up and talk on the blog then it is to do it on paper. As the year progressed blogging became a piece of everyday life even if i didn't want it to be sometimes. I would come up with new ideas to write about and then i would come up with more and more and then i would start to forget what i wanted to talk about in the first place. Now as the end of our school year is about 2 weeks away i'm not going to give up blogging but i will take a lot more time reseaching new things to talk about and maybe change things up a bit. In a way i really am going to miss school this summer because my friends and i always ask each other if we have seen there new blog post. I am really glad that we were able to blog this year and i hope that it is a requirement every year. I will say the first time you blog it's not the easiset thing in the world but as you go on it is a lot of fun.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Leg-o my Lego!

We have seen the Lego Star Wars series, Lego Batman, and Lego Indiana Jones, but now Lego goes original in Lego Battles for Nintendo DS, and it is set for realese in 2009.

While the game still has that werid sense of humor, it has depth to back it up. The game has 90 levels and throughout the game you will be able to play as several factions such as Medieval combatants, Pirates, Space Warriors, etc. , you will also be able to manage 80 unit types; for example in the Medieval era you will have Guardsmen, Archers, Knights, Cataputs, builders and many more. There will also be a Hero Character with special powers kind of like Age Of Mythology for DS (if you have ever played that). You will have structures to build and maintain, and resources to gather and manage. The Multiplayer mode is more competitive rather than cooperative. The games other improvments include being able to actually Fail missions unlike other lego titles. This Lego game is sure to be a great game and to be one of the best in the lego series, so check it out it is sure to please.

Double the Fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you ready for this, this is a big announcement for Final Fanntsy lovers , Square Enix is going treat its WiiWare users to two brand new Final Fantasy Games. The first game is Final Fantasy 4: The After Years and the Second is Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord both for Release in 2009. Final Fantasy 4: The After Years is the sequal to the 16-bit RPG Final Fantasy 4. The game will be in original 2-D 16-bit style. The new story explains what happened following the conclusion to Final Fantasy 4. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My life as a Darklord lets you be the villian for once, it puts a new twist on the game. These two new games are sure to please fans who use WiiWare while they wait for the New Final Fantasy 13 to come out. By the way look for more updates about Final Fantasy 13's release and previews.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon!

What can i say about this game that doesn't sound bad, to tell the truth you really can't. The game is just so slow and because the creators didn't do much (other than some graphics) to keep the game fresh it just doesn't cut it. It is just like the original version for SNES (Super Nintendo) with no improvments other than some graphics. The two games that came out for GameBoy Advance were way better. Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones for GameBoy Advance wasn't as slow as the one for Nintendo Ds. What i mean by slow is, it is just so yack,yack,yack,yack,yack and not enough stratgy and below the two for GBA. I should have listened to the game magizines when they said it was a terrible game but i thought "hey the other two for GBA weren't bad so this one shouldn't be bad"........but i was wrong. I do have to give my credits to the two games made for Gamecube and the one for Wii there pretty amazing. I just don't see the point in this game, why make it if it will turn out terrible. I am going to give this game a 5.0 because even though it is a terrible game it is playable if you have the time to spare or if you are getting tired of playing Halo Wars (yah right). If you have any opinons about this game or want to just leave a comment please do so.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My favorite Internet Art!

Recently i've been looking at a lot of internet art and there is some really good hand drawn and computer drawings out there. There are some by professional artist and also by people who just love to draw. I am now going to display some of my favorites.

I Realize that a lot of these pics are Kingdom Hearts pics but there soooooo good and also i will probably post another Favorite Internet Art in the future with not so many Kingdom Hearts pics so be on the look out for that. If you know of or have drawn a pic you think belongs on my next post let me know and i will take a look at it and most likly post it. Thats it for now so until the next post, enjoy!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Manga Mania!!

When you hear the word Manga what comes to mind......think about that a minute. 10-20 years ago this word really wasn't used much if at all in america. Now its almost part of our vocabulary and is used in daily conversation. For those readers who still don't konw what i'm talking about Manga are Japanese comics. In America they are translated from Japanese to American but you still can buy the Original Japanese ones if you like. Manga has almost become my life and also the life of some other people i know. The Comic craze is sweeping the not just America but the entire globe. It kind of has become a home away from home for comic readers and something new for readers as well, and the best part is that if you like certain cartoons............................ (example: DragonBall, DragonBall Z, Yu-Gi-OH, Shaman King.....the list is endless) you can go buy the Manga and i bet you'll find something new you didn't see in the cartoon and you might even appreciate the cartoon a little more and also the work these people put into making these comics and shows. This comic craze is sure to grow and grow and possibly be forever part of the American comic world.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Today WWE presented Backlash on pay-per view. For the most part it was an exciting night, but the night slowly got long and disappointing. The hype going in to the pay-per view was amazing, the rivalry's, the storys, it was shaping up to be what i thought was "BETTER" than Wrestlemania but after tonight that changed. The only match i truly enjoyed was the I QUIT match between Jeff and Matt Hardy (yes they are brothers). Matt got what was comming to him, He said I QUIT while bound to a table. Jeff Nethertheless jumped off a ladder into him. Before i start talking about what i really hated here are the rest of the results. Kane defeated CM Punk, Chris Jericho defeated WWE Hall Of Famer Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat (which i kind of really hated the result of this match just because I HATE CHRIS JERICHO!) , and Captain Charisma- Christain Cage defeated The All American American to claim the ECW Championship. Now to the good part. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena took on Edge in a LAST MAN STANDING match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Now for those who don't know what the rules of the match are i'll tell you and there fairly are supposed to incapacitate your opponent to the point they can't stand up before the count of ten, in otherwords "Knocked Out". So anyway the match overall was ok but the Big Show Came out and Chokeslammed Cena through a spotlight. Cena lost and Edge Won the title which means the World Heavyweight Championship is back on SmackDown. Now this normally would not bother me, but the fact that Edge is an A** and is so annoying and he needs to let someone else hold the title for once (like John Cena). I can understand the Big Show being upset seeing as how he hasn't held ChampionShip Gold for Freakin Ever and i think he is a little over due, plus his loss at Wrestlemania and i also think it was wrong for him not to be in this match. But on the other hand he should not have interfeared in the match. This is my opinion. The other match is the 6-man tag match for the WWE Championship. WWE Champ Triple H, Batista, and Shane McMahon taged against Randy Orton and Legacy (Cody Rhodes and Ted Debiasi). The rules where that if anyone on Triple H's team lost to anyone on Randys team, Triple H would lose the title and visa versa except Triple H would regain his title. Randy Orton RKO'ed (Finishing move) Triple H and Punted him in the skull, then pinned him to capture the WWE Championship. The only problem i have with this match is that Randy Orton has put Triple H, his Wife, Fater in-law, and Brother in-law through alot and his shocking actions earned him a title? I mean come on Triple H should have won this match and it was wrong on so many levels that he didn't. I have nothing against Randy Orton, in fact he is actually one of my favorite wrestlers but his actions leading to Wrestlemania and Backlash in my eyes did not earn him a title in anyway,shape,or form. Thanks to all who read this little rant of mine and if you have any qustions or comments please leave them.....Thanks!