Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Answers to Comments!

I have decided to make a post specifically for answering my comments.

This comment came from Hunt Master from my post Top 10 Games on march 23..............

Hunt Master said...
I agree and you should add gears of war 2 up there........that game is bomb

First of all thanks to everyone who leaves a comment. I do agree that Gears of War 2 is a great game but i didn't put it on the list because it , to me was'nt as good as the first. I will add it to my list in the future.

My next comment came from Nicholas Wood, from the same article........................

Nicholas Wood said...
Why not Pokemon Platinum? And which Super Mario Bros. cuz 3's the best, hands down.

When i made this list pokemon platinum was'nt out yet( i started this article about a month before i posted it and i had not bought or even played Platium Version) so during the span of the month i was playing games and ranking them and this is the list i came up with. I will add Platinum Version to the list now because of the fact that 1) i've played it and 2) it's way better than diamond or Peral. I will add it in my next top ten list or replace Peral in the other one ( i haven't decided yet).
Now to answer your second question. When i put Super Mario World i ment the whole series because it was the first series that really made Mario (and Luigi) a superstar. I do agree that Super Mario Bros. 3 was great and better then the first two hands down. I should have made it clear in the list that i ment the whole series not just the one game but for right now, until i decide ultimitly which of the three really deserve's to stand alone on the list, (even though three really dominates the other two you have to look at all aspects of the game and what technology did we have when each one came out.), So until then you can make it which ever one you want. If i say Super Mario World and you want it to be number 3 or 2 thats just fine with me.

Thanks again to everyone who has left comments. If you have any more please leave them and i will try to answer any qustions you have as soon as possible.

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