Friday, March 20, 2009


With WWE's 25th aniversary of Wrestlemania is comming up fast, April 5 to be exact, the WWE universe waits to see what will happen. The matches include Shawn Micheals going one-on-one with The Undertaker. The match is one of the biggest matches of the night because The Undertaker is 16 and 0 at Wrestlemania, he's never lost but Shawn Micheals is Mr. Wrestlemania. Just to get this match with the 'Taker he had to beat the Undefeated Moscow Maular Vladimer Koslov. He beat Koslov and got this match. Mr. Wrestlemania has lost at Wrestlemania before but somehow everytime he wrestles at Wrestlemania his performance gets the best ratings, no matter what. They could have an Elimination chamber match and a Buried alive match all in the same night at Wrestlemania but his one-on-one match would be better, hince the name Mr. Wrestlemaina.

The other matches include Jeff Hardy going one-on-one with his brother Matt Hardy, this rivalry has been going on since the royal rumble when Matt hit Jeff over the head with a chair costing Jeff to lose the WWE Championship to Edge.
Triple H will be going one-on-one with Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, The Big Show, John Cena, and Edge will fight in a Triple Threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The will be a 8-man Money in the bank ladder match, for the first time ever there will be a Mrs. Wrestlemania Match. Wrestlemania will be a big night for sure and i can guarentee that it will live in the minds of the WWE fans for some time.............We wait to see What Will Happen.......................???????????????????????????????????????????????

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