Friday, March 20, 2009

Video Game Classics #4

This is the last classic review this month, the next couple of months i will be reviewing my top 4, well you'll just have to wait and find out what my next Top 4 catogory will be later. The final classic game i will be reviewing is quite possibly one of the best horror games of all time. The game is called Resident Evil. Resident Evil's first game was called Resident Evil Deadly slience. This game was just recently recreated for the Nintendo DS and the dvelopers added a few new details. The game overall is awsome but i think the developers could have sweetened the graphics instead of adding some new features. Ok..Ok they did do pretty good sweetening up the cut scenes but the could have also done that to the graphics too. Resident Evil has spaned many game system and has had 4 movies. The Resident Evil game that really grabed your attention was Resident Evil 4. It had the best graphics and sound and well it really had no flaws, it was the perfect game. The controls were a little figety but what game doesn't have figety controls, i mean come on have you ever played a racing game or even Fifa Soccer. The newest Resident Evil game is Resident Evil 5 which just came out for XBOX 360 and PS3. I hear it is amazing and you will probably see a review about it in the near future. until then keep on reading my blogs and enjoying the Wonderful World of Video Games..........and Resident Evil.

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