Monday, March 23, 2009

Top 10 games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have recently compiled a list of my top 10 favorite games, so here they are.........

1)Halo 3

2)Resident Evil 4

3)Final Fantasy (mostly FF7 but they all are good)

4)WWE 2009


6)Pokemon Diamond

7)Super Mario World

8)Call of Duty: World at War

9)Blitz the League

10)Gears of War

Remember this list is my list of favorite games it has nothing to do with the real top 10 list.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Video Game Classics #4

This is the last classic review this month, the next couple of months i will be reviewing my top 4, well you'll just have to wait and find out what my next Top 4 catogory will be later. The final classic game i will be reviewing is quite possibly one of the best horror games of all time. The game is called Resident Evil. Resident Evil's first game was called Resident Evil Deadly slience. This game was just recently recreated for the Nintendo DS and the dvelopers added a few new details. The game overall is awsome but i think the developers could have sweetened the graphics instead of adding some new features. Ok..Ok they did do pretty good sweetening up the cut scenes but the could have also done that to the graphics too. Resident Evil has spaned many game system and has had 4 movies. The Resident Evil game that really grabed your attention was Resident Evil 4. It had the best graphics and sound and well it really had no flaws, it was the perfect game. The controls were a little figety but what game doesn't have figety controls, i mean come on have you ever played a racing game or even Fifa Soccer. The newest Resident Evil game is Resident Evil 5 which just came out for XBOX 360 and PS3. I hear it is amazing and you will probably see a review about it in the near future. until then keep on reading my blogs and enjoying the Wonderful World of Video Games..........and Resident Evil.


With WWE's 25th aniversary of Wrestlemania is comming up fast, April 5 to be exact, the WWE universe waits to see what will happen. The matches include Shawn Micheals going one-on-one with The Undertaker. The match is one of the biggest matches of the night because The Undertaker is 16 and 0 at Wrestlemania, he's never lost but Shawn Micheals is Mr. Wrestlemania. Just to get this match with the 'Taker he had to beat the Undefeated Moscow Maular Vladimer Koslov. He beat Koslov and got this match. Mr. Wrestlemania has lost at Wrestlemania before but somehow everytime he wrestles at Wrestlemania his performance gets the best ratings, no matter what. They could have an Elimination chamber match and a Buried alive match all in the same night at Wrestlemania but his one-on-one match would be better, hince the name Mr. Wrestlemaina.

The other matches include Jeff Hardy going one-on-one with his brother Matt Hardy, this rivalry has been going on since the royal rumble when Matt hit Jeff over the head with a chair costing Jeff to lose the WWE Championship to Edge.
Triple H will be going one-on-one with Randy Orton for the WWE Championship, The Big Show, John Cena, and Edge will fight in a Triple Threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The will be a 8-man Money in the bank ladder match, for the first time ever there will be a Mrs. Wrestlemania Match. Wrestlemania will be a big night for sure and i can guarentee that it will live in the minds of the WWE fans for some time.............We wait to see What Will Happen.......................???????????????????????????????????????????????

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Video Games scheduled to come out this year!!!!!!!!!!

I decided to do a list on video games to come out this year. The list may not have every game comming out this year and it will be kind of like a my favorites here it goes. The first game and one of my favorites to come out this year is going to be the Watchman game.
It, just like the movie, looks awsome. The DS game Mario and Luigi RPG 3, which is the sequal to Mario and Luigi: Partners in time and Mario and Luigi Superstar saga. This game is due out in Japan this summer so it won't be long until it reaches our shores. Sands of Destruction is another game comming out for the DS this year. Let me just say, what i've read/seen about the game so far looks amazing. Pokemon Platnuim is also comming out for DS this year. The game that i think is going to be the best game to come out this year is Resident Evil 5. The graphics look amzing, the gameplay looks solid, and killing zombies is always fun. Hopefully, if were lucky, Final Fantasy 13 will also make it out this year. The screenshots and little sneak peeks that they give you on G4 when they talk about release dates look awsome. This is so far the list of games that i know are comming out this year. There may be more but this is what i've got, if you have any more games that you know are comming out this year,please feel free to leave a comment and i will most likely put it in this blog or add it into another blog about this topic or if you just want to leave a comment please do so.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Video Game classics #3

I know it has been longer than a week since i published my last classic video game but i have been really busy so i'm going to do it now. The classic game i'm going to review today is Final Fantasy. I'm going to talk mostly about Final Fantasy 7 and beyond. First of all i would just like to say this series is one of the best gaming series of all time. The graphics are over the top, the story is great, and the adventures/mission(s) are cool. Final Fantasy 7 was one of the best Final Fantasy games in the series. It brought out the Sephroith in all of us, but Cloud was always one step ahead of the game. Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2 were the first two to come out for the Playstation 2 gaming system. The updated graphics and the amazing cut scenes were what always pulled me further and further into the game plus the relationship between Yuna and Tidus always kept the game intersting. Final Fantasy 11 was the only game to be online only play. Final Fantasy 12 is another one of my favorites because of its interesting story and cut scenes. FF12 takes you deeper than any other FF game. The re-invented battle syetem is also one of my most favorite functions, no more will you have to wait for the battle to load every time you run into a monster or when one appears. The charcter relationships were another key aspect to this game, it makes you feel like you really know them and when one gets hurt or dies you almost feel for them and that always makes for a great game. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was the first title to come out for Gamecube and this game also brought a diffrent feel to the FF series. FF12:Revalant wings is the 2nd part to FF12 and it is for Nintendo DS.
FF Crytal Chronicles also has 3 or 4 sequals. The biggets and i think the most anticipated game to come out is Final Fantasy 13. This is the next installment in the series and it might come out by the end of the year if were lucky. The release date has been changed so many time it's starting to feel like it will never come out. So Please just pick a date for FF13 to come out and then start on FF14.