Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Video Game classics #2

This past week i have been struggling to pick a game and i have narrowed it down to three, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, and Resident Evil. So i have decided to draw from a hat and choose one. So the game i drew was Pokemon and thats the game i am going to review this week. Pokemon is one of the most played games around the world and has one of the largest fan basis's. Pokemon also has a weekly television show and several movies. The game, when it first came out was a great game, no one had seen anything like it and it was very possible to get lost in the game and also in your own little world. The games graphics were ok and has since become better. The game was also a big hit because it gave you options, by which i mean the pokemon. You got to have 6 pokemon that was all but you got to choose which ones and the battle system was great and has since not changed much. The battle system revolutionized the pokemon franchise, there were also very few flaws and glitches, which always makes for a great game. The tv show helped people get into the game and the game helped people get into the tv show. At school today there are more and more kids bringing the original pokemon to play saying that even though the new ones are cool, they don't get into the new ones as much as the original. They say that the original game is old-school and old-school is cool. You really can't argue with them, the game is old-school and there is nothing like playing a good-old game of pokemon by yourself or with a friend. I give this game a solid 10 out of 10.

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