Thursday, January 8, 2009

WWE's Smackdown vs. Raw 2009....way better the 08's

WWE's Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 came out last month and i can offically say it has far surpassed 2008s game, which i think is the worst game in the series. 2009's version has a updataed roster with almost every character. The Road to Wrestlemaina story mode is way better than last years 24-7 mode which i can honestly say that it sucked. The career mode is in o9 is ok but i do miss the GM (Genral Manager) mode and the match types are getting tireing. I think there needs to be a set of three or four new match types per game instead of one or two. The match types that should be added are Casket matches, the u-can't-see-me match, punjabi prison match, survivor series match, texas bull -rope match, singapore cane match, boxing match, arm wrestleing contest, bring back the buried alive match with some upgrades, hardcore elimination chamber match, and the scramble match. Other than that Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 has shead a new light on the game and it's future.

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