Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Atlantis cancelled, but a new stargate to take its place

It has recently occured to me that the end of my most favorite tv show of all time is coming to an end. Stargate Atlantis is coming to an end in it's fifth and final season in a few weeks. Like me most of the people i know are upset that Atlantis didn't make it futher , like Stargate SG1 and its record setting ten amazing seasons. But then after i thought about how the sci fi world would never be the same, i came across some amazing news, The producers thought that Atlantis would do better as a movie, like it's brother SG1. The producers of the show said that the movie/s would be just a longer tv show. With the new movie due out sometime next year, a new and even better show will take it's place.................

Stargate Universe will be the newest series in the ever so popular Stargate franchise. The producers got the green light on Universe right after the cancellation of Atlantis and the go ahead on the Atlantis movie. Universe due out also sometime in the next 1-2 years, will still have the same aspectects that the Franchise has been known for but will have more to do with outerspace exploration than the previous shows and also try to connect to a younger audience, said the producers Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper. I'm positive that Stargate Universe will make a great franchise even better, but i still wish that Atlantis would still be a weekly program.

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